INDICATORS: price of live cattle starts Wednesday (15) with a drop of 1.41%

For the second consecutive day, the citation of the fats cattle arroba recorded a drop in worth and the 15kg arroba is negotiated at R$ 276.25. A drop of 1.41%. Within the state of São Paulo, the worth of reside cattle recorded a slight improve of 0.70%, buying and selling at R$ 276.48.

The value of a kilo of frozen rooster has not modified and the product is offered at R$ 7.30. The value of a kilo of chilled rooster recorded a slight improve of 0.14% and the product is offered at R$ 7.30.

Within the monetary market, the worth of particular pork carcass recorded a drop of 1.39% and the product is traded at R$ 10.62. In Minas Gerais, reside pigs promote for R$7.64. In Paraná, the product is offered at R$ 6.97. In Santa Catarina, the product prices R$ 6.86. The data is from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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