Coordinator of the tax reform group wants proposal approved by October

Federal deputy Reginaldo Lopes (PT-MG), coordinator of the group that analyzes the tax reform in the Chamber of Deputies, stated that he will act so that the proposal is approved in the National Congress by October. The statement was made at lunch with members of the Parliamentary Entrepreneurship Front (FPE), this Tuesday (14).

According to the parliamentarian, the objective of the working group (GT) is that the text is ready to go to the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies in the first half of 2023, so that it can then be analyzed by the Senate.

The tax reform WG in the Chamber expects to conclude the work plan on May 16th. On Monday (13), the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, had already said that the expectation is that the reform will be approved by October this year.

Reginaldo Lopes was questioned, then, if the government was more cautious when moving from May to October the projected conclusion of the text. In view of this, the parliamentarian detailed the expectations surrounding the processing of the proposal.

“Concluding the reform by October means voting in the Chamber of Deputies in the first and second rounds, going to the Senate, voting in the first and second (rounds). On May 16th, in the third week, the WG delivers the text to the plenary and we are going to start the debate in the Chamber of Deputies. I work to vote in the Chamber of Deputies, in the first semester and, in the second semester, in the Senate”.


According to the federal deputy, all sectors, including agribusiness, services and industry, agree that the current tax system is bad and that a reform of the current model is necessary. The parliamentarian stated that the challenge is to make all of them and the entities of the federation, that is, states, DF and municipalities, manage to agree enough around the same text.

“We are talking with all productive sectors, with all federal entities and establishing dialogue and dissenting tables to seek convergence. We are confident that we are going to build this and approve this tax reform”, he said.

Reginaldo Lopes stated that in less than a month, more precisely on April 11, he should call a press conference to anticipate the consensus points on the tax reform built in dialogue with the actors involved and, also, how the differences could be resolved. solved.

“What agreement do I think we are going to have: there will be no increase in the tax burden. Period. The second thing we hope to announce is that it will be a Dual IVA. On the 11th we want to say: ‘we have converged on this issue’.”

The Dual VAT to which the deputy refers was present in the report of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 110/2019 reported by former Senator Roberto Rocha.

The idea is to unify all taxes at the federal, state and municipal levels into one tribute, the Value Added Tax (VAT). It is called Dual VAT because federal government taxes, such as IPI and Cofins, for example, would give rise to Union VAT, while state taxes, such as ICMS, and municipal taxes, such as ISS, would come together to form VAT for entities. subnational.

Tax reform should be voted by May, according to rapporteur

By Brasil 61

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