60-kilo bag of corn sees price drop

60-kilo bag of corn sees price drop
The 60-kilo bag of corn started this week at a low price and costs R$58.35 in Campinas (SP). There was a drop in prices after a week of upward trend. According to researchers at Cepea/USP, the product’s prices are rising even with the accelerated harvest, and influenced by the recent rise in international prices and the dollar.

White crystal sugar prices also fell in the last closing and, in the city of São Paulo (SP), the value of a 50-kilo bag is R$132.10. In Santos, the value is R$131.05.

Meanwhile, the prices of 60-kilo bags of Arabica and Robusta coffee have risen. Arabica coffee costs R$1,427.75, while Robusta is trading at R$1,285.20.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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