Agência Brasil explains what PPA Participativo is

Through the so-called Participatory PPA, it is possible for everyone to indicate where the government should spend part of the public resources provided for in the Budget. The procedure is very simple and can be done in person or onlinein a few minutes, through the Brasil Participativo digital platform.
“Democracy goes beyond elections. It is participation and engagement. These participatory channels are an invitation to the population to exercise their citizenship. Citizenship is not just voting. It’s opinion. And through it, we can influence the destiny of the nation, indicating what the population understands to be a priority for the government”, he told the Brazil Agency the national planning secretary, Leany Lemos.
What is PPA
The Brazilian Constitution places the PPA as a tool that guides the elaboration of the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) and the Annual Budget Law (LOA). Therefore, it defines guidelines, objectives and goals of the federal public administration. In addition, national, regional and sectoral plans and programs must be prepared in line with the PPA.
It is valid for four years, starting from the second year of a president’s term – and extending until the end of the first year of his successor’s term. According to the Ministry of Planning and Budget, the preparation of the PPA begins with a bill, which is submitted to the National Congress for evaluation up to four months before the end of the first year of the president’s term.
“The PPA that is being prepared by the current government brings a logical model and a strong methodology that was much discussed, including with the TCU (Federal Audit Court) and with external specialists. I’m very confident to say that. In addition, he is very transparent, showing the path to be adopted so that each action solves the proposed challenge”, explained the secretary.
Leany Lemos adds that the current government’s PPA presents many differences in relation to that presented by the previous administration, since it presents a diagnosis of the problems and defines a vision of the future. “Our vision is of a democratic, fair, inclusive, prosperous country with guaranteed rights, where there is economic and sustainable growth, which is, at the same time, socially and environmentally sustainable”, she highlighted.
“It also has fiscal sustainability, because if we don’t have balance, we also don’t have credibility, nor does our collection improve to implement these policies. It also seeks excellence in management, for example, with guidelines that promote effective innovative public management with digital transformation,” he added.
Participatory PPA
The participatory PPA is a federal government initiative that seeks to bring society to the preparation of the PPA, either directly (citizens), or through councils, associations, unions, groups, movements or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), for example.
In the initial stage of participatory consultations (about the strategic dimension, vision of the future, values, guidelines and thematic axes), around 3,200 representatives of civil society and various councils – linked to all ministries and related entities – organized forums that , in the midst of 120 thematic workshops, designed the 88 programs that exist within the scope of the PPA.
>> Discover the 88 PPA programs
Afterwards, the second form of consultation began, which covers plenary sessions in the 27 federative units. The first of these, on May 11, was in Bahia. The last one will be on July 10, in São Paulo. In them, the programs are presented; the strategic dimension; and the Brasil Participativo digital platform.
See the plenary calendar below:
“In this second phase, of state plenaries, those who participate and contribute are the movements that register and are selected to speak and present proposals. Civil society can also participate in this stage, as well as citizens, as long as they register in advance”, explained the Secretary of Planning. State governments participate only as listeners.
Registration for participation in the plenary sessions is done online. To access the page, Click here.
The third participatory form of the PPA is through the Brasil Participativo digital platform. In it, citizens can choose up to three proposals, among 28 pre-selected by the government, as well as register new proposals for federal public policies. You can also support proposals submitted by other people.
The Ministry of Planning prepared a tutorial to help people use the platform. To watch it, Click here.
In July and August, the most voted proposals and programs on the platform will be analyzed by the government and by inter-councils. “We are going to do a detailing that is until July. From then on, we will incorporate social participation and, by August 31st, we will deliver a Bill of Law (PL) to the National Congress”, added the secretary.
The Legislative should vote on the matter still in 2023, so that it enters into force from 2024.
The most participatory in history
During the plenary session in Fortaleza, on May 26, the Minister of Planning and Budget, Simone Tebet, reiterated President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s determination, with regard to the PPA, to make it “the most participatory in history”, and highlighted that, in order to achieve this objective, it is fundamental that the government travels to all the capitals of the country, in order to collect suggestions.
“Who will write the history of Planning will be the Brazilian people. Let’s put in the PPA what the people want; and spend where the people need it. Say what you want for Brazil”, said the minister.
“As the president said, the most important thing is to include the poor in the Budget. It’s putting early childhood, the young, the elderly, the black, the indigenous, the minorities. It is to guarantee houses in Minha Casa, Minha Vida and growth, for the industry to generate jobs and income”, he added.
Data base
According to secretary Leany Lemos, the proposals – voted on or presented by citizens via the platform – will result in a very interesting database not only for the government, but for the academic community, with cutouts covering the state, region, citizen profile and segments social.
“With the microdata on the characteristics of the people participating, but without identifying them, we will be able to cross-reference information. We have great data scientists here to do this crossover differentiated by gender, location, race, age, for example,” he said.
In addition, many suggestions that are not necessarily used in the PPA can be used, since this is a direct channel to identify problems in different locations – even serving to guide local public policies (municipal and state), outside the federal scope. .
“These suggestions and data may also be of interest to deputies and senators, when it comes to drafting parliamentary amendments, since it will show the problems of their electoral bases. I am also a legislative consultant and I can say that there will be raw material for good legislative projects there. If I were a parliamentarian, I would certainly put my advice on this platform”, he added.
As of press time, more than 83,000 people had accessed the Brasil Participativo platform, and 1,337 proposals had been submitted.
Foto de © José Cruz/ Agência Brasil
Economia,PPA Participativo,Orçamento