Agricultural exports break record and reach US$ 15.24 billion in April

Sales of Brazilian agribusiness products abroad totaled US$15.24 billion in April 2024, a value 3.9% higher than the US$14.67 billion exported in the same month of 2023. The data are from the Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. According to the ministry, the result for April this year corresponds to 49.3% of total Brazilian exports this month.

The scenario was mainly influenced by the increase in shipped volume, which rose 17.1%. In relation to the average prices of agricultural products, there was a drop of 11.3%, which prevented an even more significant record in the value of exports in April.

Between May 2023 and April 2024, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached US$168.36 billion, an expansion of 4.7% compared to the US$160.86 billion exported in the immediately previous 12 months.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, soybeans, sugar, fresh beef, coffee, cotton and cellulose are the products that contributed most to the growth in exports in the month.

The main highlight is soybeans, as they are responsible for the majority of agribusiness exports. In total, Brazil exported 14.7 million tons of the grain, an increase of 362.4 thousand tons compared to April 2023. China is the main importer of the oilseed, responsible for purchasing ten million tons at US$ 4.29 billion.

Overall sales of Brazilian grains to other countries reached a volume of almost 18.5 million tons last month, an increase of 6.7% compared to 17.3 million tons in April 2023.

Meat exports reached US$2.21 billion in April 2024, an increase of 27.5% compared to the same month last year. Of this, US$1.04 billion came from beef. The volume is a record for the months of April, and the reason is the quantity exported to meet Chinese demand.

Another highlight is the sugar and alcohol complex, which in April 2024 reached US$ 1.07 billion from exports. It is the first time in the historical series that the sector exceeds the figure of one billion in sales to other countries. The increase compared to April 2023 was 77.6%.

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By Brasil 61

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