Agricultural exports: record number of market openings in May

Agricultural exports: record number of market openings in May
This year, the month of May ends as the best May in the historical series in terms of new trade agreements in the world market for Brazilian agribusiness products, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa). The report from the Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations reveals that in the last 31 days, 15 new markets were opened in 10 different countries.

The performance surpassed the previous record, from May 2020, when eight openings were held in five countries.

Furthermore, in 2023, during the same period, seven new markets were opened in seven nations, contributing to the historic milestone of 78 new markets in 39 countries throughout 2023.

May is also considered the best month of 2024. This year, 46 new markets have already been registered in 27 countries, with emphasis on:

  • fish to South Africa, Australia and India;
  • poultry meat for El Salvador and Lesotho;
  • pork to Bhutan;
  • green coffee to Zambia.

The Map highlights that the expansion of international markets has been “important” for the growth of Brazilian exports. In the first four months of the year, agribusiness represented 49.3% of the country’s total exports. During this period, revenue generated by the sector reached US$52.39 billion, a growth of 3.7% compared to the US$50.52 billion exported in the first four months of the previous year.

Read more:

Agricultural machinery: sales grew 8.9% in April

By Brasil 61

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