Agro: 11.8 thousand new vacancies were registered in April, points out CNM

Agro: 11.8 thousand new vacancies were registered in April, points out CNM
Of the 4,727 cities with movement in the agricultural sector’s job market, 2,243 registered growth, while 2,160 showed a reduction, according to a survey by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) for the month of April. The balance also reveals that the cities with the biggest monthly expansions were Capela do Alto/SP (+1,278), Bebedouro/SP (+1,047), Formosa/GO (+964), Medeiros Neto/BA (+941) and Matão/ SP (+864).

The president of the Regional Economic Council of the state of São Paulo (Corecon-SP), Pedro Afonso Fomes, highlights that in small municipalities, a large part of the income and circulation of merchandise is due to the consumption of the “poorest”.

“So if there is an opportunity for additional income for rural workers or factory workers, it even changes the municipality’s economy, depending on the size and increase”, he states.

In April 2024, the agricultural job market recorded 245,654 admissions and 233,877 dismissals, resulting in a positive balance of 11,777 jobs. This performance was higher than that observed in the same period in 2023, when the balance was 9,721 positions, and in 2022, when it was 10,523.

André Galhardo, economic consultant at Remessa Online, highlights that El Niño and the weather conditions that caused the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul are factors that negatively impact the harvest, but despite this, the result was positive.

“We will still have the second largest harvest in the entire historical series available and this is very significant, it shows the strength of agribusiness and, consequently, the positive impact it has on a large part of Brazilian municipalities. The continuity of this process of improving agribusiness Brazilian population, as a whole, ends up helping to increase the level of tax collection and reduce income disparity”, he states.

Large cities contributed 19% of the positive balance in the month (+2.3 thousand vacancies), while small cities represented 43% of the monthly balance. The Southeast region generated 24,800 jobs, driven by the sugar and orange cultivation chain. On the other hand, the Northeast region recorded a loss of jobs in April, due to layoffs in the sugar chain (-13 thousand jobs).

Next months

Pedro Afonso Fomes explains that admission and dismissal in certain rural areas is natural in the coming months, depending on the seasonality of production.

“We see coffee, oranges and sugar dominating a little. But when production slows down, there are some layoffs, when it is necessary to increase the harvest, or when there is product transformation in nature in industrial products, it practically moves to another region, to another sector. It’s natural,” he explains.

He informs that the economy is expected to stabilize and generate income. It also highlights that the agricultural product is consumed by a large part of the population and that, in recent years, Brazil has made significant progress in negotiations with other nations, which has led to an increase in exports.

By Brasil 61

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