Alckmin defends complete exemption from investment and exports

Alckmin defends complete exemption from investment and exports
Alckmin defends complete exemption from investment and exports
The Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, defended this Tuesday (13) that, as commerce is the sector that employs the most, the country needs to “completely” relieve the taxes that affect on investment and export.

“Commerce is the great employer. There is no agriculture without commerce; there is no industry without commerce; there is no job without trade. And the service sector is the one that best distributes income. It is what employs the most and generates the most jobs”, said the vice president in a meeting with business unions from the third sector, in an event promoted by the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC).

Alckmin also highlighted the relevance of trade aimed at the foreign market, and the need for measures that favor competitiveness and the reduction of the Brazil Cost.

“I’ve always heard that three factors are fundamental: interest, taxes and the exchange rate. The exchange rate is fine. Between R$4.80 and R$4.90, it is a competitive exchange rate. In the case of the tax, the Brazilian tax burden is high for the level of Brazilian development. What one can do at this point is simplify,” he said.

According to him, with simplification it is possible to reduce the Custo Brasil and judicialization. “(We need) to completely exempt investment and completely exempt exports, because foreign trade is increasingly relevant”.

Alckmin recalled that trade currently has intraregional characteristics, and that, in this sense, Brazil needs to seek, especially in neighboring countries, to expand its markets.

“If we take the United States and Mexico, 50% of trade is between them. In the 27 countries of the European Union, 60% is between them. In Latin America, it is 26%. We have to win back the neighbors. They are closer and that is where we can export greater added value, ”she argued.

Article changed at 1:03 pm to correct the title: the vice president defended the RELEASE and not the exoneration, as initially published

Foto de © Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil

Vice-Presidente,Geraldo Alckmin,Comércio Exterior,impostos,CNC,seriços,Economia

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