Almost eight out of every ten vacancies open in the market are for small business hires in the month of October

Almost eight out of every ten vacancies open in the market are for small business hires in the month of October
Small business hiring in the month of October in the country reached almost eight out of every ten vacancies open in the market. This is what a survey by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) says, which shows that, of the 132,714 jobs created in the country, more than 76% were in micro and small companies (MSE).

According to the Sebrae study, the segment opened 101,151 jobs, more than double the number registered in medium and large companies (38,673). The information for the survey was collected from the General Register of Employed and Unemployed Persons (Caged). According to the institution, the data shows that small businesses have the potential to close 2024 with a positive balance and high expectations for next year.

The Services sector continues to lead, with 42,134 jobs created in October. The Commerce and Manufacturing sector appears next, with 35,493 and 14,708 hires, respectively.

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