Analysis of the nursing floor should be resumed this Friday (23) by the STF

Analysis of the nursing floor should be resumed this Friday (23) by the STF
Will resume this Friday (23), the judgment on the release of payment of the national nursing floor. The action on the subject will be judged in the virtual plenary, in a session that will remain open until 23:59 on June 30.

The payment of the salary floor for the category was released in May by the rapporteur, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, through a series of specifications and conditions. Now, the other ministers of the STF judge whether or not to endorse the decision.

The action began to be judged in May, and has already had two requests for review, by ministers Gilmar Mendes and Dias Toffoli. With the resumption of the issue on the agenda, there is the possibility that a decision will be taken before the July recess in the Judiciary, unless there is a new request for review or highlight.

The proposal has caused concern in the public and private sectors, who say they do not know how to pay for the readjustment. According to a survey by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), the revision of the minimum wage for nurses, technicians and nursing assistants and midwives will generate an increase of R$ 10.5 billion in municipal expenses.

The lawyer specialized in Health Law Rebecca Paranaguá, a partner at Bento Muniz Advocacia, comments on what the private sector expects from the trial. “The expectation of the sector, I will speak especially in relation to private hospitals, is that either there is a change in the understanding of the STF, that we really have to wait because the judgment is still taking place, or that at least the decision of the rapporteur, which is more reasonable, considering that it made it possible to carry out collective negotiations in values ​​​​below the floor”, he explained.

According to Law 14,434/2022, which established the national nursing floor, nurses must receive at least BRL 4,750; nursing technicians, BRL 3,325 and nursing assistants and midwives at least BRL 2,375.

By Brasil 61

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