Another 1.4 million people will be able to withdraw salary allowance from April

Another 1.4 million people will be able to withdraw salary allowance from April
Another 1.4 million people will be able to withdraw salary allowance from April
Another 1.4 million workers will be able to withdraw the 2021 wage bonus starting in April. Dataprev, the state-owned company responsible for registering workers, carried out new data processing that resulted in the release of the benefit to more people this year.

The list of new beneficiaries is available from this Wednesday (5). Those who were born from January to June or have the final digit of the Pasep from 0 to 3 will receive it on April 17. For other workers, the salary bonus will be released according to the original calendar.

The salary allowance of the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Civil Servant Asset Formation Program (Pasep) began to be paid on February 15.

In a note, the Ministry of Labor and Employment reported that Dataprev reprocessed 2.7 million contracts that had divergence in the information provided by employers and identified 1,383,694 million workers eligible to receive the benefit in the third batch paid this month. The total value of the reprocessing reached R$ 1,411,319,401.00, to be paid from the next 17th.

Data reprocessing included workers with data conflicts in the list, such as more than one PIS/Pasep registration declared by employers or differences identified by the Federal Revenue Service. Since last year, company statements to e-Social have been used as a source for granting salary bonuses, along with the traditional Annual Social Information List (Rais).

According to the ministry, the change improved the identification of divergences in the Federal Revenue and streamlined the procedure. This is because the correction of the data by the employer or the worker happens automatically, based on the crossing of information.

The worker will be able to request an appeal from this Wednesday on the service channels of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, at the units of the Regional Labor Superintendencies or by e-mail: [email protected] (replacing the digits uf by initials of the worker’s state of domicile).


The salary allowance of up to one minimum wage is paid to workers enrolled in the Social Integration Program (PIS) or in the Civil Servant Asset Training Program (Pasep) for at least five years. Those who formally worked for at least 30 days in 2021 receive the allowance now, with an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages.

For civil servants, military personnel and employees of state-owned companies, enrolled in Pasep, the release occurs by Banco do Brasil, on the same dates as the PIS. In both cases, PIS and Pasep, the money will be available until December 28th. After this period, the resources return to the government’s cash.

Check out the original release schedule below.

Workers in the private sector, who are paid by Caixa Econômica Federal:

Birth month Pay day
January and February February 15th
March and April March, 15
May and June April 17th
July and August 15th May
september and october 15th of June
November and December July 17th

Public sector workers, who are paid by Banco do Brasil:

end of registration Pay day
0 February 15th
1 March, 15
2 e 3 April 17th
4 e 5 15th May
6 e 7 15th of June
8 e 9 July 17th

Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Economia,abono salarial,novos beneficiários,Caixa Econômica,Banco do Brasil,Dataprev

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