Another big day for coffee

Another big day for coffee
This Tuesday (15), a 60-kilo bag of Arabica coffee costs R$1,504.25 in the city of São Paulo, up 1.71%. Robusta coffee registered an even greater increase, 2.15% compared to the last closing date and a 60-kilo bag is sold at R$1,424.95.

For crystal sugar, in São Paulo, the price had its third consecutive increase, at R$ 150.35, 0.23% more. On the coast of São Paulo, the average price, without taxes, of a 50-kilo bag fell by 0.13% and is quoted at R$158.92.

A 60 kg bag of corn closed up 0.09% and is traded at R$67.81 for the reference region of Campinas (SP).

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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