Auction of transmission lines will generate investment of R$15 billion

Held this Friday morning (30) at the B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, in São Paulo, this was the first of a series of auctions, coordinated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the National Agency Energy (Aneel), which should take place by March 2024.
There will be 33 projects in seven states: Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Sergipe. The expectation is to create 29 thousand direct and indirect jobs. The completion period is 36 to 66 months.
With an initial proposal of R$ 19.5 million and a discount of 55.35%, Consórcio gênerio was the winner of Lot 8, with the aim of increasing reliability in serving the metropolitan region of Recife. The line connects the cities of Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE) and Recife.
The winner of Lot 9 was Companhia de Transmissão de Energia Elétrica Paulista (CTEEP), which won the lot with a proposal of R$ 7.461 million, which represented a discount of 50.36%. The purpose of the lot is to expand the system in the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo for the disposal of excess photovoltaic generation and biomass.
In lots 1 to 7, the function of the undertakings is the expansion of the transmission system of the Southern Area of the Northeast Region and the north of the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo to face the expectation of contracting high amounts of energy from projects of renewable generation in the region, with emphasis on wind and solar power plants. The winners were the following:
Lot 1 was auctioned by Consórcio genesis, with a proposal of R$ 174.050 million and a discount of 46.18%. The purpose is to expand the transmission system in the Northeast, with lines between Bahia and Minas Gerais.
As for Lot 2, the winner was Consórcio Rialma, with a proposal of R$347.800 million – a discount of 51%. The line aims to expand the transmission capacity of the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais for the flow of renewable generation to the consumer centers in the South and Southeast.
Lot 3 was awarded to Cymi Construções e Participações, which won with a bid of R$70.886 million, a discount of 52.13%. With developments in Minas Gerais, Lot 3 aims to expand the system to contract wind and solar energy in the region.
Furnas Centrais Elétricas won Lot 4 with a discount of 45.75% and a proposal of R$ 68.7 million. This lot consists of 303 km of lines in Minas Gerais that will expand the transmission for contracting wind and solar energy.
Lot 5 of Aneel’s energy transmission auction was won by Consórcio Engie Brasil Transmissão, with a proposal of R$ 249.3 million and a discount of 42.8%. The lot encompasses 1,006 km of lines, to expand the power transmission system in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
Celeo Redes Brasil won Lot 6, with a bid of R$99.87 million and a discount of 48.23%. This lot provides for the expansion of 714 km of lines in the transmission system between Bahia and Sergipe.
Finally, the winner of Lot 7 was CTEEP with a proposal of R$ 218.88 million and a discount of 41.81%. The lot provides for 1,044 km of lines to interconnect transmission between the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.
Present at the event, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, said that the auction will be able to unlock investments in the country.
“This auction and the others that will be held until March will unlock hundreds of other investments. There will be more than R$ 200 billion in investments in the clean and renewable energy generation sector in Brazil. In the next 10 years we will have an international demand, the electric sector will be globalized. We will be (Brazil) the biggest source of clean and renewable energy on the planet”.
Foto de © ABR
B3,Leilão,ministério de minas e energia,linha de transmissão,Alexandre Silveira,Economia