Automatic Pix comes into effect in April 2024 and should facilitate credit purchases

The new function of Pix Automático, expected to come into force in April 2024 by the Central Bank, should boost the economy and make life even easier for citizens, both those offering services and those who consume. The good news is that if the person is one of those people who forgets to pay any pending due to the day-to-day rush, now they will be able to schedule this service automatically, punctually and uncomplicated.

According to economist Luigi Mauri, the news is considered very important for the Brazilian economy, as Brazil is now among the main drivers of digital operations. “Today we have mainly large companies that can partner with banks: Like telephone companies, for example. To charge automatically helps the consumer’s life a lot”, he emphasizes.

Currently, only large companies benefit from this service, as they require prior alignment with banks. The news is that, starting next year, we will have this promising tool within reach of any establishment, whether small or medium-sized.

Luigi Mauri points out that Pix makes the economy much more dynamic, even now in a post-pandemic phase, when people are consuming more and more — which increases the possibility of leveraging consumption. “Thinking mainly for the small business owner, those who have small businesses, provide services, MEI and Pix already help a lot by not having fees, as is the case with the card machine”, he explains.

The expert also reinforces that not only schools and gyms will benefit, but mainly self-employed workers, such as those who provide computer services, professionals in the field of aesthetic beauty. They will be able to charge their customers automatically — and mostly without fees.

Merchant Celso Pereira da Silva, owner of a laundry in Gama, a satellite city of the DF, says he approves of the digital tool as it is a less complex way. That’s why he reveals that automatic PIX will be of great value “Pix is ​​an efficient and effective form of direct payment. Without much ado… and boom, it launched. This is good for the financial system, it is clearer, less bureaucracy”, he emphasizes.

By Brasil 61

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