Average value of Bolsa Família breaks record and reaches R$ 672

“It is the highest of all times”, celebrated Planalto, in a note, remembering that payments begin this Thursday (18) for beneficiaries with Social Registration Number (NIS) at the end of 1; and runs until the 31st, the date on which payment will be made to beneficiaries with NIS ending zero.
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regional cut
The income transfer program reaches 5,570 municipalities in the country. Through it, beneficiary families receive a minimum of R$600. Those with children aged up to six years receive an additional R$150 per child. In May, this additional benefit reached more than 9 million children.
There is a forecast of another additional amount, of R$ 50, to be paid from June onwards for each member of the family, aged between 7 and 18 years old, as well as for pregnant women.
According to Planalto, the region with the largest number of members of the program is the Northeast, with more than 9.7 million families in the nine states, which corresponds to a total of R$ 6.3 billion in federal investments.
In second place is the Southeast Region, with 6.33 million beneficiary families and a total transfer of more than R$ 4.25 billion.
In the North Region, 2.59 million families in the seven states receive the benefit; and in the South there are 1.43 million families. In the four federative units of the Midwest, 1.13 million families are benefited.
In a statewide cut, São Paulo leads the list of beneficiaries, with more than 2.579 million families receiving an average benefit of R$ 678 – which corresponds to R$ 1.74 billion in federal investments.
“Next are seven states with more than one million families covered: Bahia (2.5 million), Rio de Janeiro (1.82 million), Pernambuco (1.67 million), Minas Gerais (1.62 million), Ceará (1.49 million), Pará (1.35 million) and Maranhão (1.23 million)”, reported Planalto.
profile and registration
To receive Bolsa Família, the family’s monthly income must be up to R$ 218 per person. “This means that all income generated by members of the family, per month, divided by the number of members of the family, must be a maximum of R$ 218”, explains the Presidency.
To receive the benefit, the family must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), “with the correct and updated data”, in addition to meeting the aforementioned criteria.
Enrollment can be done at registration posts or at social assistance services in the municipalities.
through the site do site Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (on the Services tab – Service Letter), it is possible to find the nearest service center, as well as find out the necessary documentation and information.
Other doubts can be clarified in a site of the Plateau with questions and answers about the Bolsa Família Program.
Foto de © MDAS/Divulgação
Economia,bolsa família,Calendário,NIS