Average value of the Basic Basket fell in six of the eight cities surveyed

Average value of the Basic Basket fell in six of the eight cities surveyed
The average value of Cesta Básica fell in six of the eight cities surveyed in June. Only two cities showed an increase. Manaus had an increase of 0.7% and Salvador, 1.0%. The values ​​for the two capitals were R$ 675.00 and R$ 715.00, respectively. Belo Horizonte is the capital with the cheapest basic food basket in the country, with an average value of R$ 549.00.

Despite the recent drop in prices, Rio de Janeiro remains the capital with the most expensive basic food basket in the country. The average value recorded is R$ 893.93. São Paulo follows, with an average value of R$ 852.30; and Brasília, with R$ 731.00.

In all capitals, the price of beans fell, while the values ​​of butter and coffee rose. The increase in the price of butter is due to the rise in the price of UHT milk, while the jump in the value of coffee is due to the lower supply of the product. Most cities saw increases in the prices of eggs, dry pasta and sugar.

Regarding the expanded basic basket of products, which includes more food products, prices vary between R$ 1,480 (Manaus) and R$ 2,082 (Rio de Janeiro). In all, 33 products are listed in the expanded basket. Among them, olive oil, toothpaste, toilet paper and other products showed high prices in all capitals.

In general, the drop in the value of the basic food basket in most of the capitals, in June, was a reflection of the drop in prices measured by the Broad Producer Price Index, the IPCA.

By Brasil 61

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