Bars and restaurants expect higher revenue on Mother’s Day

Bars and restaurants expect higher revenue on Mother’s Day
Research by the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants (Abrasel) shows that 79% of businessmen in the sector are optimistic about Mother’s Day and expect higher revenues on the date compared to last year. The survey heard, from April 25 to May 7, 1,815 owners of establishments of all sizes in all states.

For 11% of respondents, the expectation is that revenues grow by up to 5%; 19% expect an increase of 6% to 10%; 17% stated that the increase will be from 11% to 20%; 13% expect growth from 21% to 30%; and 19% expect an increase above 30%.

For 14% of the companies consulted, billing should not change compared to the previous year. Those who expect a drop in sales are 7%.

“Mother’s Day is one of the two most important dates for our sector, along with Valentine’s Day. There is great optimism in increasing revenues, but with our feet on the ground, so much so that more than half of those who expect an increase say it will be up to 20%. We are still in a critical situation, with many establishments operating without profit month after month”, highlighted, in a note, the executive president of Abrasel, Paulo Solmucci.

March performance

The survey also measured the situation in relation to performance in the month of March: 27% of businessmen in the sector said they had suffered a loss in the third month of the year. The index is 3% lower than that registered in February. The businesses registered a profit in 37% of the establishments, and 36% stated that they had neither profit nor loss.

The survey also detected a small increase in the number of companies with overdue debts: in March, this index was 41% against 40% in the previous month. Most bars and restaurants that are in debt are in arrears on federal taxes: 76%.

Foto de © Tânia Rêgo/Agência Brasil

Economia,Restaurante,Dia das mães,economia,faturamento

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