BASA estimates applying R$10 billion in credit lines for sustainable projects over the next 4 years

BASA estimates applying R billion in credit lines for sustainable projects over the next 4 years

Publication date: November 28, 2024, 4:45 pm, Updated: November 28, 2024, 4:49 pm

Businesspeople interested in investing in infrastructure projects in the Legal Amazon have a new opportunity to expand their businesses. THE Banco da Amazônia (BASA)together with other financial institutions, provides a specific line of credit to support initiatives that promote sustainable development.

This is the Amazon Green Infrastructure financing program. According to BASA, the resources will be made available for projects in areas such as water and sewage infrastructure, with solutions that guarantee access to drinking water and basic sanitation, and generation of electricity from renewable sources, with incentives for the production of clean energy. and sustainable, among others.

The executive manager of Legal Entities and Bank Relationships at BASA, Luiz Lourenço de Souza Neto, explains that the initiative is aimed at the economic development of the region, with the support of other companies, including international ones.

“There are other financial institutions, other mechanisms that also support these projects, given their importance and size where they are implemented. So, just talking about BASA, if we look at what we expect for the next four years, there are expectations of surpassing the R$10 billion mark in investment in infrastructure projects in the Amazon”, he highlights.

AMABIO: BASA operates in a program that should mobilize 1 billion euros in investments in the Amazon

According to BASA, there is also the possibility of application in the transport and logistics sector such as sustainable ports and airports, in order to improve efficiency and connectivity in the region. The bank also encourages the energy transition movement by supporting projects aimed at migrating diesel-generated energy to other less impactful forms of energy, such as small hydroelectric plants (PCHs) and hydroelectric generating plants (CGHs).

Luiz Lourenço de Souza Neto highlights that the program has some safeguards that aim, among other things, to guarantee the preservation of the environment and the economic development of private sector companies, as well as social counterparts in each financed project.

“The situation of forest felling, we do not finance in any way. Energy matrix, we do not finance diesel oil projects, for example, thermal energy projects, they are also not part of our pipeline. We finance the transition with term output for solar energy, biomass, biogas, for example. This possibility of energy transition from a model that compromises natural resources, to a cleaner, greener model is very important given the regional reality”, he explains.

Amazon Green Infrastructure: financing conditions

The condition is offered to companies of all sizes, with the exception of individual micro-entrepreneurs. The financing has an interest rate that takes into account the Constitutional Funds Interest Rate (TFC) – adjusted according to the sector, size and purpose of the project.

As for deadlines, there are some differences. For full financing, the term can be up to 34 years, with a grace period of up to 8 years. For working capital, the term is up to 36 months, with a grace period of up to 5 months.

Check out the list of areas that can benefit from financing:

  • Infrastructure for water and sewage: solutions that guarantee access to drinking water and basic sanitation;
  • Generation of electrical energy from renewable sources: incentive for the production of clean and sustainable energy;
  • Composting plants and/or sustainable landfill: projects that promote waste management in an ecological way;
  • Energy storage from renewable sources: innovative solutions for efficient energy storage;
  • Sustainable ports and airports: infrastructure that minimizes environmental impact;
  • Energy transmission and distribution: expansion and modernization of electrical networks;
  • Fixed or mobile telephone system and broadband in communities: connectivity for remote areas;
  • Other ecological and sustainable structuring works: projects that promote sustainable development.

By Brasil 61

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