Bolsa Família pays extra value and benefit is the largest in history

Bolsa Família pays extra value and benefit is the largest in history
Bolsa Família pays extra value and benefit is the largest in history
As of Monday (19), beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program will start receiving June payments with an additional R$ 50 for pregnant women and families with children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old. This value is added to the R$ 150 per child from zero to 6 years of age in families headed by women. With this, the average ticket received per family will reach the highest value in the history of the income transfer program, reaching R$ 705.40, according to the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS).

The North Region is responsible for the highest average benefit across the country. There are R$ 740.37 destined to each family contemplated by the program. Then, the Midwest has the average benefit of R$ 721.16, followed by the South with R$ 711.28. In the Southeast, assisted families receive, on average, R$ 700.26, while in the Northeast the amount is R$ 696.76.

According to the MDS, Bolsa Família is currently covering 21.2 million families. The program’s June budget is BRL 14.97 billion, which is also a record monthly payment amount.

“The additions ensure that 9.8 million families receive more resources this month than in May. Until then, the highest average benefit ever recorded was that of last month, when Brazilian homes received, on average, R$ 672.45 With that money, the poorest families buy food, meet other needs, and the money circulates in the economy, especially in the poorest places, and impacts on the local economy”, said the folder, in a note.

The parameters of the social program resumed the original model designed in Lula’s first government, in the 2000s. The main one is precisely the resumption of the counterparts of the beneficiary families, such as maintaining the children’s school attendance and updating the vaccination booklet. During the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the program was replaced by Auxílio Brasil, which did not require these counterparts.

The program will also focus on updating the Single Registry and integration with the Single Social Assistance System (Suas), with an active search to include those outside the program and the review of benefits with evidence of irregularities. According to the Minister of Assistance and Social Development, Wellington Dias, there will be integration with over 32 government programs aimed at the quality of life of the population.

The new values ​​were guaranteed with the approval of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the Transitionat the end of 2022, which established that the new government will have R$ 145 billion in addition to the spending ceiling, of which R$ 70 billion will be used to fund the social benefit.

Foto de © MDAS/Divulgação

Economia,Bolsa Família,Programa,valor extra

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