Brazilian economy grows 1.9% in the first quarter of this year

Brazilian economy grows 1.9% in the first quarter of this year
Brazilian economy grows 1.9% in the first quarter of this year
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that is, the sum of all goods and services produced in the country, grew 1.9% in the first quarter of this year, compared to the last three months of last year.

The GDP, in the period, totaled R$ 2.6 trillion. The data was disclosed this Thursday (1st) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

Compared to the first quarter of last year, the Brazilian economy grew by 4%. The GDP accumulates an increase of 3.3% in the period of 12 months.

Updating article.

Foto de © Reuters/Rodolfo Buhrer/Direitos reservados

Economia,PIB,IBGE,crescimento econômico

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