Brazilian exports show an average growth of 9.6% this year

Brazilian exports show an average growth of 9.6% this year
Brazilian exports registered an increase in these first months of the year. Until the third week of May, the daily average was 9.6% higher than that recorded in the same period last year. Regarding imports, there was a drop of 9.1% in the same comparison between the averages up to the third week (US$ 1.020 billion) with that of the month of May 2022 (US$ 1.122 billion). These data were released on the Trade Balance website. In the third week, the trade balance registered a surplus of US$ 2.268 billion.

For economist Alessandro Azzoni, all the results were not so positive for the sector, but they were positive for the country’s economy. The economist explains that there should be an improvement in results over the coming months. “We have to take into account mainly soy and grains. We had a delay in the harvest, January and February exports were dammed, so March, April and May leveraged a lot. So the results were much higher in that sense, but they should be more regularized in the coming months”

In the accumulated up to the third week of the month compared with the average of the same month of the previous year, the sectors that presented the best performance were: agriculture; then extractive industry and, in the sequence, the accumulated shows products of the transformation industry.

The combination of these results led to an increase in exports, driven mainly by the 20.8% growth in soybean shipments; and also live animals (+ 256.7%); non-oily fruits and nuts, fresh or dried (+81.7%); paddy, paddy or raw rice (+305%). Crude petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude (+18.6%); aluminum ores and concentrates (+36.3%).
As for imports, up to the third week, compared to the daily average for the month of May 2022, the sectors that showed the most decline were agriculture, mining and manufacturing products.

By Brasil 61

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