Brazilian stock exchange index ends last close up 0.97%

Brazilian stock exchange index ends last close up 0.97%
Brazilian stock exchange index ends last close up 0.97%
The Brazilian stock exchange began this Friday (3) with an increase of 0.97%, quoted at 127,122 points. The result reflects, for example, a climate of optimism in the market after the speech, last Wednesday (1st), by the president of the American central bank.

The speech was aimed at signaling that there should be no increase in the interest rate in the United States

Of a total of 85 stocks in the index, only 11 closed lower. Among the biggest falls are those of Weg (WEGE3) and Bradesco (BBDC4), which fell 1.77% and 1.14%, respectively. On the other hand, CVC Brasil (CVCB3) rose 12.44%.

The total volume traded on B3 was R$24.2 billion.

The data can be consulted on the B3 website.

By Brasil 61

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