Caixa will reduce interest rates for 2.1 million micro and small companies

The reduction will be possible because of an agreement signed with the Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil (CACB). According to Caixa, interest rates may fall by up to 33% on some lines of credit.
“Caixa is returning to play a strong role in government programs, in Minha Casa Minha Vida, (in) Bolsa Família. Caixa’s entire function in the management of social programs is returning and, along with that, the focus on the country’s development, focused on the productive sector. We need credit to produce,” said Rita Serrano.
Companies associated with the agreement will be able to contract a working capital line with rates starting at 1.21% per month. The purchase of machinery and equipment can be financed with rates starting at 1.34% per month.
Associate customers will also have reduced rates when contracting GiroCaixa Fampe, with interest from 1.87% per month. With no specific destination and no guarantee, the loan is intended for individual micro-entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises and small businesses, which earn up to R$ 4.8 million per year.
The bank announced other advantages for the companies that are part of the agreement, such as the first annual fee for credit cards and a bank collection agreement with a discount of up to 30%.
Foto de © Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil
Economia,Caixa,MPES,Taxas de Juros,linhas de crédito