Camex zeroes import tax for 628 industrial machines

According to Camex, the tariff reduction will allow companies to import goods valued at more than US$ 800 million. Of the 40 sectors of the economy to be benefited are metallurgy, electricity and gas, automobiles, cellulose and paper.
Most of the products come from the United States, China, Germany and Italy.
Of the 628 equipment that will have zero import tax, 564 are industrial manufactured abroad and 64 for information technology and telecommunications.
Gelatin capsules and protein concentrate
The committee also approved an anti-dumping measure for gelatine capsules used in taking medicines and supplements. In this way, the input, which is imported from Mexico and the United States, will be surcharged to avoid damage to the domestic industry.
“After an investigation carried out by the Brazilian authorities of the Department of Trade Defense (Decom) of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (Secex) of the MDIC, the existence of dumping was verified, considered an unfair trade practice”, points out a Camex note.
The measure will last for five years for the ingredient, commonly used in compounding pharmacies, dietary supplements and veterinary products.
With regard to protein concentrates, Gecex excluded the product from the List of Exceptions to the Common External Tariff of Mercosur (Letec), after verifying the production capacity in the country.
“According to Camex, the inclusion of this product in Letec with a 0% rate caused losses to the domestic industry and, therefore, now returns to the consolidated tariff in Mercosur (11.2%). This will allow the productive sector to compete in greater equality of price conditions and to continue investing in the increase of the productive capacity and generation of jobs and income in the country”.
The concentrates are present in soy proteins, consumed by athletes.
Foto de © CNI/José Paulo Lacerda/Direitos reservados
Economia,CAMEX,Imposto de Importação,máquinas industriais,Gecex