Carrot and papaya prices drop in major wholesale markets

Carrot and papaya prices drop in major wholesale markets
Carrot and papaya prices drop in major wholesale markets
Popular items on the table of Brazilians, carrots and papaya became cheaper in the main supply centers (Ceasas) in the country last month. Products had significant declines, with average reductions of 21.23% and 17.09%, respectively.

The data is from 6th Bulletin of the Brazilian Horticultural Market Modernization Program (Prohort), disclosed this Tuesday (20) by the National Supply Company (Conab).

In the case of carrots, after consecutive rises, root prices fell again in all wholesale markets surveyed. The decrease varied between 6.96% at Ceasa in Fortaleza and 29.68% at the central in Curitiba.

“The lower wholesale prices are explained by the greater supply of the product on the market, reflecting the increase in shipments of production in the states of Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná and São Paulo”, assessed Conab. The total movement of the product in the Ceasas analyzed in this bulletin increased by 16.5% in May, compared to April.

Another vegetable that registered a drop was the potato. The average tuber price was 8.37% below that of April. The biggest reductions occurred in Recife, with a decrease of 27.73%, and in Vitória, with a decrease of 20.81%.

“The main cause of this depreciation was also the level of supply registered at the Centrals. In May, the volume offered was the second highest level in recent years, surpassed only by the amount registered in March of this year”, explained Conab.

For onion, prices were stable, while tomato and lettuce did not register uniform movement among the markets analyzed by the state-owned company.


In the case of papaya, the greater quantity of the fruit, mainly of the formosa variety, influenced the drop in prices. “In addition, the drop in quality due to the cold weather and competition with other fruits also explains the drop in prices in the last month. The values ​​practiced in the commercialization of the papaya variety also decreased, but in lesser intensity”, informed the Conab.

There was also a drop in orange prices, given the greater supply of the fruit with growth in the harvest of early oranges. On the other hand, according to the company, apples and watermelons were more expensive wholesale.

“Apple supply control, mainly of the fuji variety, started to be carried out more incisively, influencing prices in the analyzed markets. In the case of watermelon, the increase took place, even with the lower demand, explained by the colder weather at the end of the month, due to the end of supply of production in Bahia and São Paulo”, he explained.

For bananas, prices were practically stable. According to the bulletin, there was a small increase in the supply of the silver and nanica varieties in several producing regions – mainly in the north of Minas Gerais, north of Santa Catarina and in the midwest of Bahia – despite the decrease in temperatures, which impact the ripening of fruits in the Center-South of the country.

The survey of May data was carried out in 11 supply centers: São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Curitiba, São José, Goiânia, Brasília, Recife, Fortaleza and Rio Branco.

In addition to the monthly bulletin, Conab makes it possible, in the site do Prohort, monitoring prices, market analyses, consulting historical series and identifying producing regions, among other technical studies. The database includes information on 117 fruits and 123 vegetables, totaling more than a thousand products, when their varieties are considered.


Workers of the Company of Warehouses and General Warehouses of São Paulo - CEAGESP, in Vila Leopoldina.

Workers of the Company of Warehouses and General Warehouses of São Paulo – CEAGESP, in Vila Leopoldina. – Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

As of this edition, the Prohort Bulletin will have a space dedicated to Conab’s partner Ceasas, to publicize the services provided. The debut is with Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (Ceagesp), which has been in business for 54 years.

In May of this year alone, Ceagesp sold just over R$ 1 billion, with 254,291 tons of horticultural products sold. According to Conab, the result represents approximately 26% of the total traded in the centers surveyed in the current edition of the bulletin.

In 2022, Ceagesp’s network of warehouses handled more than 3.7 million tons of fruit, flowers and fish. The financial volume throughout the year exceeded R$ 15.5 billion.

In addition to being a support center for the commercialization of producers, the company also has social and sustainable initiatives, such as Banco Ceagesp de Alimentos, which has actions to promote healthy eating and preserve the environment and combat hunger and food waste. foods.

Foto de © Agência Brasil


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