Petrobras announced this Friday (30th) that it will reduce gasoline prices by 5.3% per liter and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Category: Economy
The Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) revised downwards the inflation forecast and projected the Extended National Consumer Price Index
The unemployment rate was 8.3% in the quarter ended in May, with a decrease of 0.3 percentage points (pp) compared
O dollar started this Friday (30) quoted at R$ 4.85 for purchase and sale. There was currency stability in relation
This Friday (30) the Federal Revenue credits the refunds of the second batch of 2023 to about five million taxpayers
Brief summary of how June was in the markets The Fiscal Framework was approved with reservations, but the final approval
This Friday, June 30, the payment of the Bolsa Família begins for beneficiaries with NIS numbers ending in 0. The
Roberto Dardis interviews Haroldo da Silva, an economist, after the fall in the dollar and a maintenance in interest rates
Rural producers with a regularized Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) will pay 0.5 percentage points less in interest on the 2023-2024
Rural producers with a regularized Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) will pay 0.5 percentage points less in interest on the 2023-2024