Chamber approves recreation of Food Acquisition Program
The bill, which will be forwarded to the Senate, increases the government purchase limit per family farmer from R$12,000 to R$15,000. The text expanded the incentives for indigenous peoples, traditional communities and women to participate in the program. The objective is to increase the participation of women from 46% to 50% of the producers included in the program.
Purchases must comply with market value. The project’s rapporteur, Guilherme Boulos (PSOL-SP), included in the proposal the creation of the Solidarity Kitchen Program, which will provide free food to homeless people with food insecurity.
“On the one hand, the PAA works to strengthen and support small family farming. On the other hand, it fights hunger with a wide food distribution network”, said Boulos when reading the report in the plenary of the Chamber.
Created in 2003, the PAA was replaced by Alimenta Brasil, under former President Jair Bolsonaro. With the approval of the project, the program will resume its initial name and format.
Boulos accepted several amendments to the bill. Among the amendments are the possibility for the government to include medicinal plants, the provision of technical assistance to family farmers interested in participating in the program, the inclusion of urban and semi-urban agriculture among PAA suppliers and permission to purchase seeds through the program.
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Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos,Programa Cozinha Solidária,Alimenta Brasil,Agricultura Familiar,Situação de Rua,insegurança alimentar.,Economia