China lifts embargo on Brazilian beef

Imports from Brazil were suspended since Februaryafter confirming a case classified by the Brazilian government as “isolated and atypical” bovine spongiform encephalopathy, known as mad cow disease. The record was made on a small property in the municipality of Marabá (PA).
“Since the discovery of the case, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has been working with transparency and taking all the necessary measures in accordance with the international import protocol,” the ministry said in a statement.
“I am sure that this is a step for Brazil to advance more and more with the accreditation of plants and opportunities for Brazilian livestock”, evaluated Minister Carlos Fávaro, at the end of the meeting, in Beijing.
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
Economia,agricultura,Vaca louca,China,exportação de carne,Embargo,carne