China, partner or not? | Brazil 61

Country in which there are several sides of its real truth. For some a safe haven, for helping with purchases of products and food in various nations. For others, a country that accumulates many enigmas, diverging with others that do not accept its evolution, culture and politics.

We must see China through its native side. Quite different from those experienced in Western circles, where their culture, their ways of life, their politics, their economy, their immense population, tend to make many countries afraid to face it, to dialogue with this giant, which is fighting with the Americans to be number 1 in the world economy.

Its reserves today accumulate US$3.2 trillion, giving it the power to buy whatever it wants and however it wants. It also has the habit of accumulating food purchased around the world, all to satisfy its huge population, distorting prices of various commodities when it operates in the markets. It is the most populous country in the world, with 1.4 billion inhabitants; and third largest country by territory.

It began to emerge in the 1980s, with GDP growth of 9.5% per year, well above the world average — attracting several large companies from around the world.

Many Chinese companies began to emerge worldwide, making products more competitive and cheaper.

The fact is that there are many divergences in world markets with their way of producing, placing China as the main exporter of various products.

Its rapid evolution greatly improved its internal growth, building sophisticated airports, ports — and the entire infrastructure that a first world country needs to have.

Today it shares with 4 more countries the formation of the BRICS (Brazil, India, Russia and South Africa).

However, with all its economic growth, China came to bother major world economies, operating in several Latin and African countries, buying local companies and acting in various sectors.

The Chinese invasion of economically and politically weak continents has raised an alarm in large countries, especially the American ones, who are uncomfortable with the means by which the Chinese are advancing on these territories.

Currently, their partnerships divide opinions. As we know, the world leadership, which was divided between Russia and the US, today we have China joining them.

It was to be imagined, after all, joining the group of the most powerful in the world is for few. And becoming one of the biggest powers in the world scares many.

For us Brazilians, who depend on it, for being a great importer or exporter of products and food, we have to thank. Just see our Agro growing a lot due to its abundant purchases, helping a lot with the increase in our GDP.

So partner or not?

By Brasil 61

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