City halls have until May 31st to prepare an Annual Resource Plan and guarantee cultural investments of R$3 billion

City halls must complete the mandatory preparation of the Pnab Annual Resource Application Plan (PAAR) by May 31, as established by Decree 11,740/2023 and Law 14,399/2022. The regulations ensure the transfer of R$3 billion over five years for federal entities to invest in the cultural sector. The information was released by the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM).

The PAAR contains details of the goals and actions previously recorded in the action plan on the platform Transferegovat the time Pnab resources are requested.

For Asafe Gonçalves, specialist in tax law and managing partner of Asafe Gonçalves Advogados, these resources can mean a change in the culture of municipalities and an improvement in the population’s quality of life.

He emphasizes that prior consultation is carried out, with public hearings for the participation of cultural agents and the population. “This demonstrates the need to have civic engagement, but at the same time, it demonstrates the level of organization that the municipality has when it manages to organize itself and move the population to participate in this”, he explains.


Still according to the expert, another point to highlight is the issue of transparency and publication in the Official Gazette. This allows you to understand what will be done with public resources. Therefore, he recommends that municipal managers seek “serious” advice to assist in the use of resources.

“You need to be very serious, very zealous, to deal with this issue of the public budget and finances, so don’t joke. A message that needs to be given to city halls is: ‘you have until May 31st to adapt, if you don’t have a technical team, look for someone who is a technician and who has government approval to do this”, he adds.

According to the Curitiba Cultural Foundation, in December Curitiba registered for the Annual Resource Application Plan and the corresponding amount has already been deposited. However, the necessary notices for the projects have not yet been released, as the Fundação Cultural de Curitiba awaits guidance from the Ministry of Culture regarding the specific requirements of the Cultura Viva notices — which are mandatory.

For the Director of Cultural Incentives, Loismary Pache, the amount transferred is important for municipalities, as it injects resources on a large scale into the cultural area. To Curitiba, in particular, it has brought a great movement of artists who are agents of culture.

“And also for society in general, as by providing conditions for the creation and execution of new projects, it generates jobs, enhances the city’s culture and attracts a large public to the creative economy”, he points out.

How to join?

After social participation, the public manager responsible for executing municipal resources must complete the PAAR form and attach the PDF file generated on the Transferegov platform.

The municipality must publish the PAAR in its Official Gazette or in another official source of public transparency, and proof of this publication must be attached to the Transferegov platform.

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