City halls share almost R$7.8 billion from the FPM this Friday (10)

City halls share almost R.8 billion from the FPM this Friday (10)
City halls share almost R$ 7.8 billion referring to the first installment of May from the Municipal Participation Fund, this Friday (10). It is the second consecutive increase in the FPM, which also registered an increase in the last review in April.

In the first transfer in May 2023, municipalities received around R$7.3 billion. If inflation of 3.9% in the last 12 months is considered, this Friday’s transfer is 2.4% higher than last year’s.

Cesar Lima, a public budget specialist, says that the positive result dispels the fear that transfers would enter a downward trend, after two consecutive falls in April.

“The FPM results from this first decade of May seem to be very promising, showing that those previous results were points outside the curve. We had some very low results in the last ten years, but now it seems to be reflecting this news of record revenue that the government has achieved in recent months”, he assesses.

Almost R$2 billion will be transferred to the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Valorization of Education Professionals (Fundeb) on Friday (10).

Located in the west of Minas Gerais, Iguatama has less than seven thousand inhabitants, according to IBGE. The mayor of the municipality, Lucas Vieira Lopes, highlights that the city has a low capacity to collect its own revenue and that, therefore, transfers from the Union and the state are essential to keep accounts up to date.

“These government transfers are one of the main sources of revenue for small municipalities. It is of fundamental importance for us”, he states. The manager celebrates the growth in this Friday’s transfer. “Own revenue is very low. If government revenues also fall, it will certainly greatly affect our public policies. Therefore, it is important that this transfer remains stable”, he adds.

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City halls blocked

Until last Wednesday (8), 13 municipalities were prevented from receiving the FPM, according to the Integrated Financial Administration System (Siafi),

Check if your city is on the list.

  • Muric (ES)
  • Itajá (GO)
  • São Domingos (GO)
  • Poços de Caldas (MG)
  • Antônio João (MS)
  • Miranda (MS)
  • Nova Alvorada do Sul (MS)
  • Alto Taquari (MT)
  • Canara (MT)
  • Dom Aquino (MT)
  • Rio Branco (MT)
  • São José do Povo (MT)
  • Carapebus (RJ)

The lack of payment for the Public Servant Assets Training Program (Pasep); debts with the INSS; active debts with the National Treasury Attorney General’s Office (PGFN); and non-accountability in the Public Health Budget Information System (Siops) are among the main reasons for a city hall to be prevented from receiving the FPM.

To unblock the transfer, the public manager must identify the body that ordered the freeze. Then, you must find out the reason and rectify the situation. It is worth remembering that the city hall does not lose blocked resources permanently. They are simply frozen until the pending issues are resolved.

By Brasil 61

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