Colina (SP): mayor defends that Congress approve PEC that helps pay nursing floor

The definition of a higher salary floor for professionals in the nursing area brought challenges to city halls across the country. Since the signing of the National Congress Bill (PLN) that regulates the minimum salary for nursing professionals, which ranges from R$2,300 to R$4,700, municipal managers have become apprehensive about local coffers.

For the mayor of Colina (SP), Dieb Taha, most city halls that mostly depend on federal resources need a change in transfers so that they can comply with the obligations related to the nursing floor, among them is PEC 25/ 2022, which aims to increase the transfer by 1.5% of the Municipalities Participation Fund (FPM) in March of each year and guarantee a permanent source for the cost of the nursing floor.

“Even more so in this difficult time that we are going through, not only with the nursing floor, but also the education floor, in short, it is a very important revenue that we need this work together with the municipalities of our Brazil so that we have a greater collection and better so that we can meet all the demand in the municipality”, he comments.

On the last 30th, during a meeting held at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM), in Brasília, which discussed the minimum wage for nursing and was attended by municipal managers from all over the country. the president of the Confederation, Paulo Ziulkoski, expressed that, although they are not against the readjustment of the floor, the demand that the city halls finance this increase could bring more difficulties for the municipal budgets.

“I think everyone has to earn well and nurses have to earn. Now, they have to have money to pay. In this period, with a year and a half left to end the mandate, Brazilian municipalities are already exceeding the spending limit in all areas, with an account in the red. What can be done? If a floor like this comes into force, this crisis deepens”, he emphasizes.

The CNM reported that the review of the minimum wage for nurses, technicians and nursing assistants and midwives will generate an increase of R$ 10.5 billion in municipal expenses. PEC 25/2022 is currently stagnant in the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) of the Chamber of Deputies. The group of mayors is making an effort to persuade parliamentarians to put the proposal on the agenda for a vote.

See more:

Nursing floor: decision still faces impasses

Nursing floor: in Brasilia, managers from all over Brazil pressure parliamentarians for a source of funding

By Brasil 61

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