Confaz publishes new table of average fuel prices

The new values are effective as of June 1st and do not necessarily reflect the prices at the fuel pump at the stations. Prices for aviation kerosene, ethanol, vehicular natural gas, industrial natural gas and fuel oil were released.
Confaz considers as a criterion the moving average of the average prices charged to the final consumer in up to 60 months prior to its setting. The PMPF table serves as the basis for calculating the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).
However, also from June 1st, the single and fixed rate of ICMS for gasoline comes into effect. The charge will be R$1.22 per liter throughout the national territory. Currently, the rates are proportional to the value and are defined by each state, generally varying between 17% and 18%. the change will impact the final consumersince the value of the tax is included in the resale price.
The change in the tax rule was instituted by Complementary Law 192/2022. O value of fixed rates was defined in March this year by Confaz. In the case of diesel, the change has been in force since May 1, with a charge of R$ 0.94 per liter.
Foto de © José Cruz/Agência Brasil