Council approves return of forgotten PIS/Pasep money to Treasury

Council approves return of forgotten PIS/Pasep money to Treasury
Council approves return of forgotten PIS/Pasep money to Treasury
About R$ 25.2 billion forgotten by workers and heirs will return to the National Treasury until August 20, approved this Tuesday (20) by the Board of Trustees of the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). The resources are part of the old funds of the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Public Servant Assets Training Program (Pasep), whose quotas passed to the FGTS.

Determined by the Transition Constitutional Amendment, the devolution needed approval by the FGTS Board of Trustees. According to the Ministry of Labor, around 10.5 million workers have not yet withdrawn the resource, and each shareholder is entitled to R$ 2.4 thousand, on average.

Even with the transfer of values ​​to the Treasury, the worker will be able to redeem the resource in up to 5 years. In case of death of the beneficiary, dependents and heirs are entitled to resources.

The devolution of resources will allow the federal government to reduce the primary deficit this year, estimated at R$ 136 billion by the Ministry of Finance. This occurs because the amount will enter the public accounts as primary revenue, reinforcing the National Treasury’s cash.

The primary deficit is the negative result of government accounts without public debt interest. The Constitutional Amendment to the Transition authorizes that these funds also be used for investment (public works and equipment purchases), if government revenue exceeds estimates.


O withdraw of PIS/Pasep funds accounts has been released since August 2019. Those who worked with a formal contract in the private sector between 1971 and October 4, 1988 are entitled to withdraw. Interested parties should look for Caixa Econômica Federal to withdraw the money. The withdrawal deadline is June 1, 2025. After that date, the money will be transferred to the Union.

Until 2020, Caixa managed only PIS quotas, intended for private sector workers. Banco do Brasil (BB) managed the Pasep fund, intended for civil servants, military personnel and state employees. A Provisional Measure 946edited in 2020, extinguished the PIS/Pasep fund and transferred all resources to the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), unifying all withdrawals at Caixa Econômica Federal.

how to get

Withdrawal can be requested in the FGTS application, which allows transfer to a checking account or authorization for cash withdrawal. When opening the application, the worker must click on the message “You have withdrawal available”. Then, you must choose the message “Request the PIS/Pasep withdrawal” and, finally, the withdrawal method: account credit or in person.

After these steps, the worker must check the data and choose the option “Confirm withdrawal”. If you opted for account credit, the transfer will be made to any bank account indicated by the worker, at no cost.

The cash withdrawal varies according to the amount to which the beneficiary is entitled. The balance can be consulted in the FGTS application. Withdrawals of up to R$ 3,000 can be made at lottery outlets, Caixa Aqui correspondents and at self-service terminals, using the Citizen card, with password. Over R$3,000, only at Caixa branches, upon presentation of an official document with a photo.

heirs and dependents

The law facilitates withdrawal by heirs, who will now have simplified access to resources. They will only have to present a declaration of consensus between the parties and the declaration that there are no other known heirs, in addition to documents such as death certificate, certificate or declaration of dependents, inventories or court permits that prove the information.

In the case of a deceased worker, the dependent or heir can open the FGTS application in their name and choose the “My withdrawals” option. Then, you must click on the fields “Other withdrawal situations” and “PIS/Pasep – Death of the worker”. The application will inform the necessary documents. If you have the paperwork in hand, just confirm the order.

Other services

The application offers other services, such as consulting the statement and updating the worker’s registration. If the shareholder fits into any hypothesis of withdrawing the FGTS and has money from the Pis/Pasep fund, the balance of that account is released together with the Guarantee Fund.

According to Lei 13.932, of 2019, the fund’s resources will be available to all shareholders. Unlike previous withdrawals, carried out in 2016, 2017 and 2018, there is no age limit for withdrawing money.

In case of doubt, Caixa is available for clarification. All the worker needs to do is access the FGTS application or call 4004-0104 (capitals and metropolitan regions) or 0800-104-0104 (other regions).

Foto de © Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Economia,conselho,FGTS,Tesouro,dinheiro esquecido,Pis/Pasep

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