Council raises funding limits for family farming

Council raises funding limits for family farming
The National Monetary Council (CMN) increased from R$ 15 million to R$ 25 million the financing limits of the credit line of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture aimed at family agroindustry.

The authorization of the new credit limit – aimed at individual cooperatives, which are made up of a minimum of 20 non-profit individuals or legal entities (or related to individuals) – will be valid until June 30.

The new values ​​are provided in the Resolution No. 5,063published not Official Diary of the Union this Monday (3).

The new limit of BRL 25 million, however, has a ceiling of BRL 60,000 per active member with a Declaration of Aptitude (DAP) or a National Register of Family Farming document of the National Program for Strengthening Family Farming (CAF-Pronaf) valid listed in the DAP or in the Registry of Registration in the National Register of Family Agriculture (Ricaf) issued to the cooperative. Before, the ceiling was R$ 45 thousand.

“The measure is valid only for cooperatives with at least 75% of their active participants benefiting from Pronaf and provided that 75% of the financed benefited production comes from family farming”, informed the Ministry of Finance.

“Cooperatives made up mostly of family farmers will be able to contract, with the new Pronaf Industrialização de Agroindústria Familiar credit limit, financing to benefit the production from this public”, informed the ministry.

Foto de © Elza Fiúza/Agência Brasil

Economia,Pronaf,Agricultura Familiar,CMN,Crédito,Cooperativa

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