Crop Guarantee: more than 39,000 family farmers will receive benefits in March

The Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture (MDA) published the ordinance that determines the payment of the Crop Guarantee to 39,000 farmers who adhered to the benefit in the 2021/2022 season.

This month’s payment will be made to rural producers in Minas Gerais and five states in the Northeast: Alagoas, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí and Rio Grande do Norte.

“The action aims to ensure the food security of family farmers residing in regions systematically subject to crop loss, due to drought or flooding”, informs, in a note, the federal government. In all, the total resources will exceed R$ 33 million.

Farmers with a monthly income of up to 1 and a half minimum wage are entitled to receive the benefit, in a single installment of R$ 850, when they have production losses equal to or greater than 50%. The Harvest Guarantee is paid according to the social benefits payment schedule.

Blocked benefit

Farmers who joined the Garantia-Safra, who had the granting of the benefit blocked in municipalities with payment authorization in March/2023, must regularize the situation. Leonardo Cesar Dias Filho, a lawyer specializing in agribusiness, explains that if the benefit is blocked, the producer needs to verify the reason for the block.

“When the producer has this benefit blocked, he must regularize his situation by consulting the “Request a Defense Request after Blocking the Crop Guarantee Benefit” within the Portal Producers who access this benefit have a period of up to 30 days from the notification of blocking the benefit to manifest themselves, to request a defense, after the blocking of the crop guarantee”, explains Dias Filho.

By Brasil 61

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