Deadline for rural producers to issue the CCIR is July 18, warns Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA)

Deadline for rural producers to issue the CCIR is July 18, warns Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA)
Rural producers can now issue the 2024 Rural Property Registration Certificate (CCIR) free of charge, warns the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA). The document can be accessed on the portal of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), with a deadline for issuance of July 18th.

The 2024 CCIR will replace the document issued in 2023 and will only be valid after payment of the Registration Services Fee from previous years. The fee can be paid via pix, credit card or bank slip.

If the rural property presents any registration impediment in the National Rural Registration System (SNCR), the issuance of the CCIR will not be possible.

Albenir Querubini, a lawyer with specialized training in agribusiness and a master’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), explains that the CCIR is a registration carried out by rural producers, with Incra, and is equivalent to an “identity card” of these properties.

“It is the main document to certify the land regularity of these rural properties, being indispensable for a series of procedures, such as the purchase and sale of properties, bank financing, land sharing in the case of inventories. Therefore, it is an official document that demonstrates that the rural real estate property is registered and regularized”, he informs.

How to issue the CCIR 2024?

Giovanni Pallaoro, lawyer in the areas of real estate law and contracts at Silveiro Advogados and effective member of the Agribusiness Law Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law (IBRADEMP), explains that owners registered in the National Rural Registration System will be able to carry out the procedure for issuing the CCIR by accessing the Incra portal and selecting the “CCIR Issuance” option.

“In this document, we have various declaratory registration information for the properties, such as: the name of the rural property, information on the area, the land classification of the property, indications of the location and address, information regarding rural and fiscal modules, as well as the minimum fraction of the area’s subdivision, the property’s registration number, the relevant property registry in addition to the details of the property’s owners and the person who declared them”, he explains.

The specialist recommends that producers update information with Incra in cases of changes to the property, such as purchase, sale, exchange or donation.

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By Brasil 61

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