Default falls for the first time in 2023, points out Serasa

The last time the indicator had registered a decrease was in December 2022. In comparison with June last year, when defaulters totaled 66.82 million, there was an increase. The number of negatives represents 43.78% of the adult population in Brazil.
The age group that has the most people with restricted names is the age group between 41 and 60 years old, which represents 34.8% of the negatives. Next is the 26 to 40 age group, which corresponds to 34.7% of the total defaulters. The age group above 60 years represents 18.1%.
There was also a drop in the total volume of debts, from 264.5 million in May to 262.8 million in June, a reduction of 0.62%. The total value of debts, on the other hand, increased by 0.15%, reaching 346.3 billion. The average value of debts per person was R$ 4,846.15, an increase of 0.78%.
By federative unit, Rio de Janeiro is the one with the highest percentage of defaulters (52.8%). In the sequence appear Amapá (52.72%), Amazonas (52.20%), Federal District (52.05%) and Mato Grosso (50.33%). The state with the fewest people in this condition is Piauí (36.18%).
Unwind Brazil
According to Serasa, the first week of the federal government’s Desenrola Brasil Program had an impact on debt negotiations. Almost 900,000 debts were negotiated through Serasa’s channels alone until this Friday (21st) and demand was 80% higher than the average for the platform’s usual deals.
Serasa is a partner of banks participating in the program. These numbers reflect all agreements made on the Serasa Limpa Nome platform, not just debts under the Desenrola Brasil Program.
Range 2 of the program covers the population with an income of two minimum wages – R$ 2,640 to R$ 20,000 per month. Debts can be settled through the channels indicated by the financial agents and can be paid in at least 12 installments. It is also necessary to have been included in the defaulter register by December 31, 2022.
At this stage, the names of those with debts of up to R$ 100 will also be removed from the debtors’ register. According to the Ministry of Finance, with this measure, around 1.5 million people will no longer have restrictions and will once again have access to credit.
Foto de © Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil
Inadimplência,Serasa,Desenrola brasil,Economia