Desenrola Brasil negotiations begin, which can restore access to credit to the population

This Monday (17th), Desenrola Brasil began, a federal government program that makes it possible to renegotiate Brazilian debts and has the potential to benefit up to 70 million people. The program will run in three stages. The first two are already valid as of this Monday: the removal of the names of those who have debts of up to R$ 100 from the debtors’ register and a stage of renegotiation of bank debts for Brazilians classified in band 2 of the program.

According to lawyer and economist Alessandro Azzoni, deliberative counselor of the Commercial Association of São Paulo (ACSP), the program brings advantages by giving back access to credit and consumption to a portion of the population, in addition to stimulating financial health. “He starts to have financial health because he manages to renegotiate his debts, and with that he starts to have a surplus of resources and so he can even consume more”, he explained.

Beneficiaries at this stage

Individuals who have debts of up to R$100 will be removed from the debtor register. With that, the restrictions fall and the person can, for example, get credit again or make a rental contract, if there are no other restrictions. With this stage, the Ministry of Finance estimates that around 1.5 million people will benefit.

The other group benefited in this phase is that of individuals with an income of two minimum wages, which is equivalent to R$ 2,640, up to R$ 20,000 and who have bank debts, with no limit on the amount, which were negative until 31 December 2022. This is Track 2 of the program. For this category, banks are offering the possibility of renegotiation directly with customers, through their channels. Each institution has its own conditions for trading. It is estimated that this renegotiation will benefit more than 30 million people.

So far, Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Caixa, C6, Inter, Itaú, Pan, Santander and Sicoob have joined the program. The Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) informed in a note that “the program fulfills the essential role in the delicate moment of the finances of Brazilian families, when seeking to reduce debts of the greatest possible number of people”. Through Desenrola, according to the Federation, credit, one of the main engines of growth in an economy, can be granted responsibly and within the needs of borrowers.

This benefited public will be able to get the economy moving again, as explained by the economist at MAG Investimentos, Felipe Rodrigo. “In this sense, when the name is no longer negative, the person has access to bank credit again, for example, if he wants to finance the purchase of a car, if he wants to pay for the purchase of the house, if he wants to finance the purchase of some appliance, with her name leaving the negative register, she is again a person able to take credit to consume”, he said.

In September, the third stage of the program will take place, with the adhesion of debtors with income of up to two minimum wages or enrolled in CadÚnico, the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, with financial debts whose amounts do not exceed R$ 5 thousand.

By Brasil 61

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