Dollar drops to R$5.24 after aid to foreign banks

The commercial dollar ended the day sold at R$5.24, with a decrease of R$0.054 (-1.03%). The price started the day in a tense way, reaching R$ 5.31 around 12h. Throughout the afternoon, however, it reversed its movement and began to fall, until closing close to the minimum values of the day.
With today’s fall, the US currency accumulates a high of 0.29% in March. In 2023, the currency drops by 0.76%.
On the stock exchange, the day was marked by the truce. The B3 Ibovespa index closed at 103,435 points, up 0.74%. The indicator dropped in the morning, but recovered in the afternoon.
After days of turbulence with the failure of two North American regional banks and the recognition by Credit Suisse of “significant weaknesses” in the balance sheets, financial markets across the planet had a calmer day on Thursday. Investors reacted to the Swiss central bank’s statement to bail out Credit Suisse “if necessary” and the injection of up to $30 billion by private creditors into US bank First Republic Bank, which is also facing financial difficulties.
From now on, the Brazil Agency will only give news about the closing of the financial market on extraordinary days. The dollar quote and the stock exchange level will no longer be reported every day.
Foto de © Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil
Economia,Credit Suisse,Estados Unidos,Mercado Financeiro,dólar,Bolsa de Valores