Dollar registers an increase of 0.47% and is close to R$ 5.10

Dollar registers an increase of 0.47% and is close to R$ 5.10
The dollar started this Thursday (9) on a high. After an increase of 0.47%, the American currency approaches the level of R$5.10. The result is linked to the climate of caution on the part of investors, who continue to pay attention to the movements of the Monetary Policy Committee, the Copom.

In the opinion of market analysts, the Central Bank should begin to reduce the magnitude of the cuts in the basic interest rate. As there is still no consensus among the market on how this will happen, the scenario is one of uncertainty on the part of investors.

The euro, in turn, started this Thursday at R$5.47.

The data is from the company Morningstar.

By Brasil 61

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