Dollar today: currency opens Tuesday (27) in decline, quoted at R$ 4.76

The US dollar started this Tuesday (27) quoted at R$ 4.76 for buying and selling and reached the lowest point of the year. According to the exchange projection made by the market, there is still room for the currency to fall, to R$ 4.60 in a period of six months.

The euro follows a trend of stability and started the day quoted at BRL 5.20 for buying and selling, according to data from the European Central Bank.

The Ibovespa opened at a low of 0.62% and is at the level of 118 thousand points, at 118,242 points. This trading session lower opening distances it from the 120,000 points reached in the previous week.

Few stocks closed higher, with emphasis on Petrobras (PETR4, PETR3), which rose and prevented the index from falling further. The company’s shares rose 2.29% and are at R$ 30.85, following the rise in oil prices.

By Brasil 61

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