DOLLAR: without spending cuts package, American currency borders on stability in the last trading session

DOLLAR: without spending cuts package, American currency borders on stability in the last trading session
With a slight increase of 0.04%, the dollar closed the last trading session at R$5.81. The euro concluded the last session at R$6.09. The data is from the Morningstar Company. The results came after another day of waiting for information on spending cuts by the federal government to be released.

The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, stated that the announcement should come out this week, but did not specify the date.

In the National Congress, Senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), who is the interim leader of the government in the House, said that there is a certain difficulty in advancing the package in parliament this year, taking into account the short deadline until the parliamentary recess.

Given this, the financial market continues in this expectation, with uncertainty on the part of investors.

By Brasil 61

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