Electric cars are priority for energy transition

Electric cars are priority for energy transition
The development of an industry focused on the production of electric cars is one of the priorities of the federal government. In order to make the manufacture and sale of this type of vehicle feasible, sector authorities intend to make the country a major producer of lithium batteries.

This statement was made this Wednesday (14th) by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, during the opening of the event Anfavea: Driving the Future of Electrification in Brazil, promoted by the National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers, in Brasília.

One of the most expensive components of electric automotive vehicles is the battery, which can be lithium, a substance that is often found in national territory.

“We have been developing the lithium production chain, which is fundamental for the electrification of the fleet. We will make our country a hub for the production of batteries, generating jobs and income for our population, as in the Jequitinhonha Valley (MG)”, said Alexandre Silveira, citing electric mobility as one of the main fronts to decarbonize transport.

Brasília (DF), 06/14/2023 - The Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, during the opening of the event

Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, at the opening of the event – Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Competitive advantage

According to him, the country has already mastered the technology aimed at producing this type of battery, but now needs to ensure scale to become more competitive, making this an “accessible reality” for the population. “But I want to emphasize: we will do all this without forgetting about biofuels”, he added.

Brasília (DF), 06/14/2023 - Electric and hybrid vehicles exhibited at the event

“Brazil has a clear commitment to the energy transition”, says minister – Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Silveira reiterated that Brazil has a “clear commitment” to the energy transition and to reducing carbon in the transport matrix, in addition to standing out because 88% of its electricity matrix comes from clean sources.

“We have a great competitive advantage in this sector, which is already responsible for the decarbonization of a significant part of our light transport matrix, with ethanol. But we want more. We want more technology in our biofuels; more efficiency; more productivity in the field; more sustainability of the chain. All this will guarantee the generation of jobs and income, lower prices for consumers and a reduction in the carbon footprint”, he argued.

Brasília (DF), 06/14/2023 - Electric and hybrid vehicles exhibited at the event

Electric and hybrid vehicles on display at the Anfavea event: Driving the Future of Electrification in Brazil. – Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Bill of Fuels of the Future

According to the minister, all these issues were taken into account for the formulation of the so-called Bill of Fuels of the Future which, according to him, is in the final stage of improvement by the Civil House after extensive discussion with various actors in the productive segment of the automotive industry.

“With this, we will also unlock new possibilities for the aviation and land transport sectors”, he added, remembering the importance of the automotive sector for the economy, through linked production chains, generating even more jobs and income in the country.

The actions that are being developed by the federal government, according to him, will allow Brazil to be a “protagonist” in the growth of a green economy.

“We are also working on policies that enable the development of the production chain of strategic and necessary minerals for electric vehicles, investing in mineral research in the development of the links in the production chain”, he added.

During the Conducting the Future of Electrification in Brazil event, authorities and businessmen participate in several panels on international experiences focused on vehicular electric mobility; local production of electric vehicles and batteries; parts supply chain; components and technology; energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure; and new technologies and materials used in electrification.

Brasília (DF), 06/14/2023 - Electric and hybrid vehicles exhibited at the event

Electric and hybrid vehicles on display at the Anfavea event: Driving the Future of Electrification in Brazil – Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Foto de © Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

Economia,Carros Elétricos,Anfavea,indústria automotiva,ministério de minas e energia,Alexandre Silveira

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