EMPLOYMENT: agricultural sector has a positive balance of 33.8 thousand jobs in June

The labor market in the agricultural sector closed the month of June with a positive balance of 33,894 jobs. According to the most recent survey carried out by National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM)with data from the General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Persons (Caged), 233,678 admissions and 199,784 dismissals were recorded. The performance of the sixth month of 2024 was below the balance observed in the same month of 2023 (36,145) and 2022 (51,961).

In the regional comparison with June last year, employment grew in the North (5.7%), Central-West (4.3%) and Northeast (1.0%); but fell in the Southeast (-2.4%) and South (-0.4%).

The Southern Region accumulated a negative balance of -6.1 thousand jobs, caused, in part, by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. According to the CNM analysis, the losses caused by the climate tragedy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul exceed R$12 billion. Of these, R$4.2 billion are from agriculture.

Of the 4,675 cities with activity in the agricultural labor market, 2,377 showed growth and 1,961 showed a reduction. The largest part of the positive balance (64%) was accounted for by small cities, with 21.7 thousand vacancies. Large cities were responsible for 7% of the balance in June.


Regarding crops, the highlight in June was orange production, with 4.8 thousand vacancies, and garlic, with 2 thousand vacancies, in the Southeast Region. Activities supporting agriculture and land preparation, cultivation and harvesting services also had a positive impact in this region, with 3.2 thousand vacancies.

In the Northeast, the production of alcohol and raw sugar contributed to the positive balance of jobs, with 2.1 thousand and 1.6 thousand vacancies, respectively. In addition, soybean cultivation, with 3.2 thousand vacancies, drove the generation of jobs in agriculture in the Central-West Region.

The full survey is available at site da CNM.

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By Brasil 61

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