Fat cattle on the rise, quoted at R$ 293.15

This Tuesday (8) beef cattle is priced at R$ 293.15 in the state of São Paulo, after successive increases since last week.

After more than a week of stability, the value of a kilo of frozen chicken has fallen by 0.81% and is traded at R$7.35. The same goes for a kilo of chilled chicken, which also closed down 0.53% and is traded at R$7.51.

The special pork carcass has maintained stability for five closures and is priced at R$12.94 wholesale in Greater São Paulo. A kilo of live pigs has remained stable since the last closing and this Tuesday (8) costs R$ 8.96, in Minas Gerais. In Paraná, the value is R$8.52; and in Santa Catarina, R$8.38.

The values ​​are from Cepea.

By Brasil 61

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