Fazenda has already answered Lula’s doubts about the new fiscal framework

“The technical area closed (the text). Everything is in order. Now let’s go back to the president, with the questions he asked and just set the date (of the announcement)”, said Haddad upon returning to the Ministry of Finance after a meeting of the Political Council at the Palácio da Alvorada.
According to the minister, the questions raised by Lula in the first presentation of the draft of the project, in the fridaylast Friday (17), are already clarified. “The final word is always the president’s, until it is announced, the final word is always his. He may ask new questions, but the ones asked at the meeting friday past are already elucidated”, he added.
Regarding Lula’s health, diagnosed with mild pneumonia, Haddad said that the president led the meeting of the Political Council without any problems. “He chaired the meeting. It’s okay, ”he declared. According to the minister, the meeting of this fridayThe fair was used for the division of tasks between those traveling with Lula to China and those staying in Brazil.
Because of the pneumonia, the departure of the presidential delegation to China was postponed to Sunday (26). Originally, the match was scheduled for this Saturday (25). The trip should last up to March 31cho.
Foto de © Lula Marques/ Agência Brasil
Economia,Haddad,Ministério da Fazenda,arcabouço fiscal