Federal District: soybean sowing period for 2023 starts on October 1st

The soybean sowing period in the Federal District begins on October 1st and will last until January 8th, 2024. ordinance No. 840which establishes the soybean sowing calendars for the 2023/2024 harvest for 21 Federation Units, was published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) last Tuesday (11).

Soy producer Gustavo Kanheski explains that the sowing calendar exists for producers to protect themselves against pests and diseases in crops.

“The soybean sowing calendar is established due to the sanitary vacuum. From now until sowing time, which is at the beginning of October, you cannot have live soybean plants because of the toilet to avoid the multiplication of diseases”, explained the producer.

Soybean sowing dates are established as a complement to the sowing period. sanitary void. The two measures have the same objective, that is, to reduce as much as possible the emergence of Asian rust, a disease that can cause up to 75% of crop losses and has a high capacity for reproduction and dissemination.

The producer also explains what Asian rust is, a disease considered the most unpleasant in soy plantations.

“Asian rust is the villain of soybeans. It is a disease that if you catch it in the soybean crop, you will not produce even half of what is predicted. That is why there is a sanitary void to prevent diseases from multiplying, especially rust ”, she concluded.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, sanitary and phytosanitary measures aim to protect human and animal life and health and plant health through rules, procedures and controls applicable to the international trade of agricultural products, in order to ensure the safety of and the quality of food.

In 2022, the Federal District produced around 170,000 kilograms of soybeans, which generated more than U$ 102,800 in exports to the federation unit. In 2023, so far, around 110,000 kilograms have been produced and generated approximately US$ 61,000 in exports.

See more:

Federal District: the soy void period is in effect

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By Brasil 61

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