Federal District will have the first Civil Protection Intelligence Center in the Midwest

The Fire Department and the Undersecretary of the Civil Defense System will have the first Civil Protection Intelligence Center in the Midwest of the capital in the Federal District. This unit will be built in a central area of ​​the Fire Department in Brasília, in the Radio and Television South Sector (SRTVS).

This space will also house the monitoring and management of natural disasters, conducted by employees of the fire department and the Undersecretary of the Civil Defense System.

Leandro Magalhães Mariani, lieutenant and commander of the Works Center of the Military Fire Brigade of the Federal District (CBMDF), points out that the Civil Protection Intelligence Center in the Midwest will also improve disaster response in the capital of the Republic.

“The Civil Protection Intelligence Center in the Federal District will be the first in the Midwest and the second in Brazil. The structure will have 4 thousand and two hundred square meters. There will be three floors in the center of the federal capital, on 701/901 south, in the lot between the city park and the south sector and Setor de Rádio e Televisão Sul

Lieutenant Mariani informs that “the activities developed will be the monitoring of disasters in the Federal District, as well as in the future with integration to other units of the federation in the monitoring of disasters at the national level. The objective is precisely to optimize these civil protection and defense activities civilian, in order to integrate the forces, to integrate them to these activities”.

According to the Fire Department and the Undersecretary of the Civil Defense System, the resources that were allocated to carry out this work come from the Constitutional Fund for Public Security of the Federal District. The forecast is 24 months for the conclusion of the work, after requesting the realization.

According to the Fire Lieutenant, the project is ready just finalizing some details.

By Brasil 61

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