FGTS approves distribution of R$ 12.7 billion to workers

FGTS approves distribution of R$ 12.7 billion to workers
FGTS approves distribution of R$ 12.7 billion to workers
The Board of Trustees of the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) approved, this Tuesday (25), the distribution of almost R$ 12.848 billion among workers who have accounts linked to the fund.

The total amount is the positive net result obtained by the FGTS in 2022, that is, the difference between revenues (income/income from credit operations, federal government bonds and other bonds and securities, among others) and expenses (remuneration of linked accounts, TR + 3% per year, management fee and others).

According to the balance sheet presented today (25), during the meeting of the Board of Trustees, last year, the Fund’s income totaled approximately R$ 49.7 billion. Expenses were just over R$ 36.9 billion.

Board members approved the distribution of 99% of the R$12.848 billion, that is, around R$12.712 billion. According to the Lei nº 13,466of 2017, workers who had a balance in escrow accounts of the fund on December 31, 2022 are entitled to part of this amount. The sharing will be proportional to the balance of each escrow account and should be operationalized by Caixa until August 31 of this year.

The distribution of FGTS results aims to increase the profitability of the worker’s linked accounts. The amount referring to the distribution of results becomes part of the balance of the linked account and can only be withdrawn in situations provided for by law, such as in cases of termination without just cause, birthday withdrawal, retirement, home ownership and others.

Foto de © Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

FGTS,Partilha,contas vinculadas,Conselho Curador do FGTS,Economia

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